Week 1 assignment 2 independent study

SketchUp version of the model :

Rendered version (On lumion)

Theory :

An element of surprise along with a flowing movement can create a multisensory change by enabling the audience to blend in with the different images/selves of architecture that further allows for a different perception of space, time and the environment.

What: element of surprise, flowing movement
How: by blending in with the different images/ selves of architecture
Why's it important: allows for a different perception of space, time and environment

"Movement Ar(t)chitecture". 2007. Arkhenspaces. Accessed 27 April 2019. http://www.arkhenspaces.net/en/movement-artchitectures/.

Theory :

Free-flowing and interconnecting spaces, along with a seamless transition between the interior and exterior, encourage fluid movement and allows for a healthy environment with collaborative interactions and shared thinking.

What: Fluid movement
How: Through the use of free-flowing and interconnecting spaces
Why's it important: As it allows for a healthy environment with collaborative interactions and shared thinking.

ArchitectureAU. 2019. Three school projects go beyond the classroom | ArchitectureAU . [ONLINE] Available at: https://architectureau.com/articles/beyond-the-classroom/#. [Accessed 09 May 2019].
